Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Sunday, January 16, 2011

So sad

Wow, I literally should have my hospital bag packed right now. I'm so glad we are closed tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a "do whatever Julie wants to day." I think I am going to see that movie Rabbit Hole and going to visit my work family from my previous job. So weird that's out now so close to my due date. Then I'm going to party city or somewhere to order my balloons. Still not sure where I am going to release them. I don't have a lot of favorite places around here. Maybe I will go to the park down the street. I'd love to do it at the beach but I'm a little too far to drive on Tuesday afternoon. Time flies so fast. I can't believe it's already here. I feel like I should do more than just a balloon release but I'm not sure what. I miss my kid so much. I can't hardly stand it. I should be getting ready to have a baby, but I'm not and it makes me so very sad.

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